Now Hiring – Police

Entry Level Police Officer  Applications may be obtained at the Edgewood City Building, 385 Dudley Road, Edgewood, Kentucky from 0800-1800 hours weekdays (excluding holidays) or click below. The City of Edgewood is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Lateral Police...

Easter Egg Hunt – 4/12

Annual Easter Egg Hunt  Saturday; April 12th  Hunt Starts Promptly @ 2:00 pm FREEDOM PARK CHILDREN AGES 3–8  Adults are not allowed to hunt with children; all children MUST hunt on their own.   REDEEM PRIZE TICKETS FROM SPECIAL EGGS IN NOLL SHELTER.  IN CASE OF...

Health & Wellness Expo – 4/17

Health and Wellness Expo!  All Ages are invited to attend our FREE Health and Wellness Expo on Thursday, April 17th 2-4:pm at the Liberty Hall, 550 Freedom Park Drive. Light refreshments will be served and door prizes will be awarded.  If you have any question, please...

Snow Emergency Information

The City has an ordinance that prohibits all motor vehicles from parking on any street in the City during a Snow Emergency.  A Snow Emergency may be declared by the Mayor anytime driving conditions are deemed hazardous.  We notify radio and television stations of...