Now Hiring – Police

Entry Level Police Officer  Applications may be obtained at the Edgewood City Building, 385 Dudley Road, Edgewood, Kentucky from 0800-1800 hours weekdays (excluding holidays) or click below. The City of Edgewood is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Lateral Police...

Chair Yoga – 4/2

Join us for FREE Chair Yoga – Wednesdays in April from 11-12:pm at Liberty Hall (aka Senior Center).  Please stop by or call the city building to register 859.331.5910.  

Easter Egg Hunt – 4/12

Annual Easter Egg Hunt  Saturday; April 12th  Hunt Starts Promptly @ 2:00 pm FREEDOM PARK CHILDREN AGES 3–8  Adults are not allowed to hunt with children; all children MUST hunt on their own.   REDEEM PRIZE TICKETS FROM SPECIAL EGGS IN NOLL SHELTER.  IN CASE OF...

Health & Wellness Expo – 4/17

Health and Wellness Expo!  All Ages are invited to attend our FREE Health and Wellness Expo on Thursday, April 17th 2-4:pm at the Liberty Hall, 550 Freedom Park Drive. Light refreshments will be served and door prizes will be awarded.  If you have any question, please...