How Do I?
Administration – General
How do I view property tax information?
How do I apply for the Homestead/Disability Property Tax Exemption?
The Homestead Exemption (HEX)/ Disability Exemption (DEX) is determined every two years by the General Assembly to reflect increases in the cost of living. For 2016, the amount of the exemption (assessment reduction) is $36,900. For additional information, please visit Kenton County PVA at or call 859-392-1750.
How do I obtain an occupational license?
Contact Kenton County at (859) 392-1440 or click here.
Addresses to City facilities?
Edgewood City Building, 385 Dudley Road, Edgewood, KY 41017
Edgewood White House Event Center, 249 Dudley Road, Edgewood, KY 41017
Edgewood Liberty Hall, 550 Freedom Park Drive, Edgewood, KY 41017
Edgewood Public Works Building, 551 South Loop Drive, Edgewood, KY 41017
How do I obtain and review public documents and records?
Submit an open records request to the City of Edgewood, City Clerk, 385 Dudley Road, Edgewood, KY 41017. Open Records request forms can be found by Clicking Here Open Records Request Form. Click Here for our Open Records Policy.
How do I complain about garbage/recycling pick up?
How do I obtain a yard/garage sale permit?
How do I find out where I vote?
How do I run for office?
Garbage and Recycling
How do I set up garbage/recycling service?
How do I complain about garbage/recycling pick up?
Call Rumpke at 800-828-8171 or after hours email [email protected]
How do I view the garbage/recycling service schedule?
How do I dispose of large items?
How do I dispose of paint?
How do I dispose of household hazardous waste?
General Services Department
How do I report a problem with a traffic signal or street light?
Contact the City Building at (859) 331-5910 who will determine the responsible utility/party and report the problem.
How do I report a pothole?
Contact the City Building at (859) 331-5910 who will determine the responsible utility/party and report the problem.
How do I obtain a building permit?
How do I obtain an Encroachment Permit?
Police Department
How do I obtain a copy of an Edgewood Police Report?
How do I obtain a criminal offense report?
How do I pay a parking citation?
How do I get fingerprinted?
The state and or FBI is no longer accepting fingerprints from police or any other agencies except those done through Identogo
Pleave visit for more information.
How do I have my car seat installed/inspected?
How do I get a pre-employment background check?
There is a $10.00 fee charged for each background check, and they must be submitted in person, or by mail. No electronic transmissions or faxes are accepted for this service.
How do I pay or contest a Commonwealth of Kentucky traffic citation?
How do I report a Kentucky resident motorist with an out of state license plate?
Recreation Department
How do I rent a shelter at Presidents or Freedom Park?
Edgewood residency is required to rent a shelter, contact Administration at (859)331-5910 for availability. Shelter rental fees are Monday – Friday $20 plus tax, Saturday or Sunday $40 plus tax.
How do I rent the Senior Center or White House?
View Edgewood Liberty Hall and the White House Event Center information by clicking here.
How do I know when events are so I can plan ahead?
Credit Cards are accepted for purchases over $20.