2024 Ordinances
Cities operate daily mostly through ordinances. An ordinance is an official and permanent action of Edgewood’s City Council that may be punishable by civil or criminal penalty if violated. The City Clerk must maintain all ordinances in a minute book. They are also indexed or codified in a code of ordinances (arranged into a systematic collection). The City of Edgewood codifies their ordinances at the end of each calendar year. If you are having trouble downloading the below ordinances please call 859-331-5910.
The link to access our codified ordinances is City of Edgewood Codified Ordinances.
Please Note: Ordinances are not official until they have been passed by council and have been published by law at LINK NKY.
2024 Ordinances that have had their second reading, have been passed by Council, and have been submitted for publication online with LINK NKY:
Ordinance 2024-12-06 FY 24/25 Budget Amendment
2024 Ordinances have been published and are in effect, but have not yet been codified:
Ordinance 2024.05.02 Annual Codification
Ordinance 2024.06.03 Budget 2024.2025