Report a Concern
Report a Concern with Edgewood Engage
For emergencies call 9-1-1
In May 2017, the City of Edgewood became the 1st city in Kentucky to implement SeeClickFix known as Edgewood Engage. This is a web tool that allows citizens to report non-emergency neighborhood issues, which are communicated to local government. Use the app to report issues such as:
Curbside Recycling Collection | Curbside Trash Collection |
Potholes | Sidewalk Repair |
Snow Plowing | Storm Water Drainage/Flooding |
Street Lights | Traffic Signal |
Traffic or Street Sign | Hazardous Trees |
Water or Sanitary Sewer Inquiry |
You can Report the Concern Below.
You have the option to upload a photo with each service request, as a visual reference to help communicate the issue. Customer service requests are routed to city staff to help answer your questions and provide solutions.